BDB’s 2016 Economic Development Forum – CEOs sound off on what South Florida needs to become a tech hub.
Steffen Bruenn (CEO & Founder YACHTICO.com) has been invited by Business Development Board to speak about Tech Sector in South Florida.
The region is known worldwide for its beaches, but its growing technology sector is sometimes hidden even to those who know the area.

South Florida’s reputation for being a place where retirees live and tourists play isn’t complementing its industrious startup scene.
“The biggest challenge is finding the talent here,” Bruenn said, adding that tech workers may not consider South Florida because lifestyles elsewhere may be more appealing. “The commute here is terrible. It’s an hour in the morning and an hour at night.”
“Entrepreneurs and investors are trying to make Miami and South Florida into the next big U.S. tech hub, although they have their work cut out for them.” Silvana Ordoñez by cnbc.com
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