Sailing around the Canary Islands you can travel between cosmpolitan cities, remote islands and peaceful villages. This route begins from the island of Tenerife and will take you to El Hierro, La Gomera, La Palma and Gran Canaria.
1 Week Sailing Route Suggestion Canary Islands

Tenerife – El Hierro – La Gomera – Gran Canaria – Tenerife
1. San Miguel, Tenerife
2. Puerto de la Estaca, El Hierro
3. San Sebastian, La Gomera
4. Los Christianos, Tenerife
5. Santa Cruz de la Palma
6. Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
7. San Miguel
The Canary Islands are situated off the west coast of Africa and have a subtropical climate. The weather is warm all year round with temperatures rarely dropping below 20°C. However, the sailing conditions are extremely challenging and this route is only recommended to experienced sailors. There are strong winds that funnel between the islands that can reach gale force. The distances between the islands are large, creating long but exhilarating days at sea.